Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The school year has begun again for me, and this semester I'm really excited to be in advanced sculpture. One of the projects I'm working on requires real honeycomb that I can cast in bronze, like this wasps nest casting I found on etsy.
So I called up my local beekeeper, B
ill Lewis of Bill's Bees, to see if he could help me out, and he invited me to come see if we could find something.

My friend and I wound up the Angeles National Forest, entranced by the scent of sage and the thunder clo
uds gently rumbling in the distance.

We met with Bill and I explained
what I wanted to do with the honeycomb and he gave me two panels to take home. The brown honeycomb has had baby bees born in it. When they're in their larvae stage, they release a protein that colors the white honeycomb you usually find in your jar of honey a ruddy brown.

The second panel was of the white honeycomb, because he said the protein of the brown honeycomb wont melt in lost wax casting. Also because the brown one had been chewed by mice trying to get to the pollen inside. Thanks Bill!!! The bronze pour for my class isn't until Halloween, but I'm excited to see how the white wax cast in bronze will look. See you then.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Indian Summer

Although school is in session and we are finding are selves more and more busy.
Its still summer in my mind and weather wise too. Three things that give me the summer vibes.

Garden Tomatoes 

Best Coast on Vinyl

Home-made butternut Squash Soup. -Changwins

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. A few months after getting help from my best friend with my senior show, I find that we are more and more with creative projects together. Spending all summer at the beach together, we realized how badass we are. Not to blow our own horns, but how many chicks can work with metal, drive a manual transmission and knit? We figured not many, so we have decided to document our creative possess and see what lovely things come from it. Weather its in the kitchen or working with power tools; We hope to inspire other women out there to be what we want to be and do what ever they creative things the feel like doing. -Changwins & Kaptian Katfish